Monday, September 16, 2024


Is There More to JD Vance’s MAGA Alliance Than Meets the Eye? - POLITICO
Interesting read.  I guess I would what?  Or, more to the point, don't liberals and leftist institutions collaborate on their policies?  Of course they do.  But, when the GOP does it, it is part of some sinister cabal to do whatever.  That, to be sure, is part of the issue, and everyone should be calling them out on it.  In the meantime, the article directed me to this link:

J.D. Vance | The Universities are the Enemy | National Conservatism Conference II (
You know what?  It's quite good!  It is preaching to the choir, mostly, but if you listen, he is spot on.  Of course, not enough are listening, but... in some ways that is to their detriment.

This state legalized cannabis. So why does it still have an illegal weed problem? - POLITICO
Interesting?  Yes.  Surprising?  Not really.  I mean, there is not nearly enough legal supply of pot, so of course people are going to go elsewhere, and to them, a fake store is better than getting it on the street and maybe getting arrested, robbed, etc.  I guess I see what the state is doing here, but there is something to be said for getting it out there faster; not only will they get more revenue from legal taxes, but more legal pot means the law enforcement elements can go after real criminals, as my parents used to say.

Cuyahoga County dismisses potential property tax reduction for residents – ‘We need the money ourselves’ (
This could be me, but if the county is short money, shouldn't they be trying to at least cut some spending?  I mean, even the appearance of trying to do something would be better than not doing anything.  I suspect, strongly, that there are GOPers who believe this to be true as well... in the meantime, you would think that some GOPer would be calling them out on this, but of course... well, tomorrow is another day.

In the meantime, a good day today, mostly; I couldn't fall asleep last night -- and when I did fall asleep it was neither long nor well.  I was certainly feeling it today, especially after all of the restlessness of the weekend.  Oi.  Then today my blood sugar ran high in the AM, until the afternoon, when it dropped -- I thought I took enough insulin -- but it was worse than that and now I am trying to get it back to normal.  Sigh.

I was talking with one of my coworkers today about the morass of college football in Florida, with FSU 0-3, UF 1-2, and there are prospects for winlessness down the board (sort of).  I was joking that Jimbo Fisher was available, as might Ryan Day be if he loses to UM this year.  In the meantime, Billy Napier's buyout is $26 million, and -- as we have cured cancer and world hunger -- that of Mike Norvell is but $65 million.  To be sure, they will find the money if need be, and then spend more on their replacements, not realizing it was the money that caused the issue in the first place.  And, let's face it, tOSU -- and anyone else -- would do the same if they could.


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