Thursday, October 03, 2024


 Short post Tuesday, none yesterday... mainly because I was tired and busy, sort of like today.  Yesterday I helped make czarnina -- duck's blood soup -- for the Festival.  Mainly I helped move the heavier pots for the Polish ladies and kept everything washed, but I did learn some of the basics -- broth, pureeing the blood, adding the breast meat and the raisins and plums.  Not that I would attempt it on my own.  I would say that it is an acquired taste, and as the women told me, it is a southern Polish dish, not a northern one.  I just nodded.  Actually, most of the time it was all I could do, as most of the ladies did not speak English, so there was a lot of pointing, but...  

Today was brownie making day -- five pans today, five tomorrow.  I make the brownies first, then the topping while they were drying; not sure if it is the best way, but I was able to start the coating and topping when the first pan was completely ready, so that did save time.  I have to admit, I didn't make dinner after I was was 8:30 or so, so I went to Marc's to buy pop (I deserve it after this weekend) and picked up Chinese takeout (not that I deserve it, but I thought of my father, and didn't want to cook again).  Actually, it was good -- saved some for lunch -- and it was nice to just rest a bit.

State law says you can’t drink at bars and carry a gun. An Ohio Supreme Court case could strike it down -
They were all over this on the Today in Ohio podcast, and my thought was...shouldn't this be the choice of the bar owner?  I mean, I think most would not want this, but some might.  Given that you could, or should, lose your liquor license over this... it will be an easy decision for most.  But, people should have the right to protect themselves, right?  Also, considering how they trumpeted Issue 1... killing babies is perfectly fine, but letting people bring a gun to a bar?  Heavens to Betsy!


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