Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A triple play




I figured I would run all of these together, as they are related.  First...I think many GOPers have come to the conclusion that this is the only way to win a press war:  namely, by going to the trenches.  It is sort of like what the CEO of Uber wanted to do, investigating journalists and printing their dirty laundry.  I am not sure it will work, but it does appeal to my sense of combat.  And, let's face it, the NYT/Collins is a good target, and this was a really easy one.

Second, Scott Walker continues to rise; hell, even his bad press -- cutting funding to schools -- is good press, given that it reminds everyone he's won three elections in four years and kneecapped public unions, always a nice feather in the cap.  Mind you, given that academia is indeed a bastion of liberalism, no one is going to complain that they are losing some money, either...especially because, let's face it, you probably could find a way to cut some fat, but the entrenched nature of the powers that be makes them a protected class...and thus the cuts come from elsewhere.  If he really had some stick, he'd name names and start publicly raising questions...which would be pretty awesome.


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