Monday, February 16, 2015


Carlessness -- of a sort -- continues; I got to skip the OC Board meeting where we discussed the finances (which is my balliwick) but on the other hand, maybe it went better, in which case, it could happen without me...  EVERYONE has been giving me advice/questions/ways to live my life, and it is...annoying, to say the least.  I think, once I get the new car, I am driving somewhere and shutting off my phone, just for some peace.

I admit this is problematic for Chris Christie, but if you think about it, this is no different that what many other places -- like NE Ohio, for instance -- faced when they were a one-horse town and that horse went to the knackers, if you get my drift...  In some ways, this is worse, because they should have seen this coming, given that it takes a while for states to get the casinos built.  Even in a good year, there is only limited gambling money, and now...well, there is a lot less.  I went to Atlantic City once...and there is really not much there there (I would imagine there is less now), which is also the issue; I mean, even here in Ctown, there is something to do -- museums, an orchestra, sports teams, a couple of bustling districts -- so that if someone wanted to leave the casino, there is shit to do; but in AC there is jack shit


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