Saturday, February 14, 2015


Quite the day today, weather-wise...sort of crappy all around.  I did shovel this afternoon, just as the snow cleared but before the wind started to pick up.   I was glad I did, as the snow was fairly light and easy to didn't even take half an hour to clean the driveway.

I am about halfway through Seymour's Baseball:  The Early Years and while certain parts of it are no more than historical footnotes (the chapter on the Reserve Clause, for instance), most of the book is still relevant today.  Labor disputes, salary issues, teams relocating, teams relocating to new stadiums with better deals, etc.  I realize my historical sense of things makes me more cognizant of this, but as always...some things are new, but most things are just new wine in old bottles.  The other thing I seem to enjoy is the constant battle over...well, let us just say that there was a sense that young men were prone to dissipation, to use a period term, and thus baseball could be a good way to fill a young man's time...until he reached the professionals, in which case he needed a busy schedule and monitoring to prevent him from falling into dissipation.  I mean, if you think about it, you could level the same change against big leaguers or NCAA athletes today.  Maybe, just maybe, young men have always been young men.


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