Monday, July 13, 2015


Watched "Cry of Jazz" tonite -- #325 on my list -- which puts me halfway through it.  Interesting...informative.  Still relevant today, and I learned something about jazz.

I have to admit, Scott Walker's rollout was...while not exciting, impressive.  I still he is A front runner; maybe not the front runner -- Jeb and his cash cannot be discounted -- but I think the CW on him is correct...just need to slog through.  Hell, he was certainly more impressive than Hillary.  Not that we are all that surprised.

The Tribe limps into the break...not that there is shame in losing to Sunny Gray, but Saturday to me personified the Francona era..a series of gratuitous pitching changes that ended up costing them the game...I got a kick out of the PD claiming that the Moss error was the key, chasing some teeny platoon advantage and thus bringing in ineffective pitchers cost them the game...  oi.  At least there is pomp and pageantry and tradition tomorrow, which is one thing I have always loved about baseball, even if the rosters are now 50 or so.


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