Saturday, July 11, 2015


So, I finished watching "Rosemary's Baby" today...and it was meh.  I mean, I guess if you are into that sort of thing, it is the sort of thing you would like, but as I am not...well, another off the list, if nothing else.

Busy day at the OC...closed last week, 146 today.  We had to re-register people, which was problematic, given that a small bunch -- despite a month of reminders -- didn't have the two forms of ID required by the GCFB... several times people pointed out there should be a sign or something, we would point out four, and of course they would insist we should do more.  Oi.  We did give away a lot of stuff, which was useful, and most of the people were nice...but it was a little hectic for a while.

I am reading Not A Game, the new bio of Allen is interesting, mainly because he is a giant dick, and the author makes no real attempt to try and hide that fact.  I always liked him as a player, though I suspect not that much...and I am not exactly liking him now.


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