Saturday, February 13, 2016


This week was not exactly one for the record books, and today was not much better.  To be sure, I went to Stations last night, which did help...reminding me that there is far worse out there, and also providing me with a spiritual backbone, of sorts.  Getting there in the whiteout and the unplowed city roads was quite the adventure, especially as it was barely a mile away.

OC duty today...with the cold, it was very light, and we closed early; not even 40 people showed up.  Alas.  There was lots of stuff, and I -- as well as the other volunteers -- ended up with vegetables, which I will be sure to eat...I am thinking fish with mushrooms and scallions, rah.  I had thought about going out tonight, but considering how nothing has gone to plan, the debate, and the need for rest, I think a night in would not be unwise.  It's also cold -- wind picked up again -- and there is also snow, me an old person, or a tired person, but I am calling it a day tonight.


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