Sunday, February 07, 2016


Hit 20,000 steps on the fitbit yesterday -- I had a busy day at the OC (decent crowd, especially early) and a kiddie bday, so that meant getting chased and chasing Uncle Matt...I got home at 19,400 or so, so I just trucked around the house.  Rah.  Today, returned to the gym...workout not the best, but I survived, and it was prolly good to just let it go, one way or the other.

Watched "Enter the Dragon" yesterday, as well.  It was not exactly the best film I've seen, but it was entertaining.  Actually, the combat scenes were pretty cool, and I can easily see how people were impressed...and the film legacy that followed.

Super Bowl Sunday, which I will watch for the commercials, and only then until Downton is on.  I do find it amusing, to say the least, with all the hem-haw about concussions. that everyone will be watching the game.

Interesting article in the PD about the FAs left for the Tribe.  It is a shame about Desmond costing them a #1 pick, as he would be an ideal addition at 3rd or even the OF.  As for the rest...I can see the Tribe making a deal for a reliever (lefty) or another OF, provided the price was right.  I'd like to think some guys would rather $2 million and be in the big leagues than not...


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