Sunday, July 24, 2016


As always, Mr. Not Blogging has an excuse -- work and the convention, which occupied a good deal of time.  Glad it wasn't a train wreck, and while listening to Donald Trump talk about Our Party..well, it's a little wasn't the worst convention in the world.  I am not sure all of the criticism of the tone of the speech is correct; people aren't doing well, a lot of them, and I suspect that economic confidence isn't even that high among people in the middle I think the Donald has an avenue there.  Now, I still don't think he can be...well, not Trump for the rest of the year, but, well, why not?

Watched "Mildred Pierce" over the week -- it was really a good film; sort of film noir, but also not quite.  The book seemed even more interesting (it was written by the man who did The Postman Always Rings Twice, I think), so I would check it out if I didn't have 800 more or so to go through.  I finished up a WW1 book over the weekend, and am now on to Sowell's Wealth, Poverty, and Politics.
The Tribe losses were most unpleasant, as will reinforce a certain suspicion that the Tribe benefits from playing weaker teams especially in the division...I agree, largely, though the rotation can beat anyone...they just won't get the run support when running into better teams.  For all the talk of Lucroy, I suspect Chris Sale will also be available...


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