Tuesday, July 26, 2016



I've blogged about this a couple of times, but...I think the old crazy idea of just building housing and worrying about who can live in it -- i.e., poorer people moving into fine-but-not-so-swank units -- might just work. It would be easier and simpler, and I think you'd actually improve the housing stock along the way by not being stuff that might be crappy later on.


My first thought, upon reading this, was later summarized by Reince Priebus...they wrote the emails, didn't they? I mean, I realize the Dems can claim ignorance when it comes to computer security, but...in this day and age, especially among "high-value" targets, you really have to assume EVERYONE is reading something else.


Well, women lie, you know.  :)  More seriously, I've always disliked her since the whole "vast right-wing conspiracy" bit; either she was a blithering idiot to be so credulous to think that this time Bill wasn't cheating, or she knew damn well he was and decided to (poorly chosen, I think) make this into a partisan crusade.  I don't think she is that dumb, so...

The Tribe had NO business winning tonight, none.  After getting swept, they NEEDED this win, and, well, they played like horseshit; three errors, Salazar was off (Crockett is pitching well now), Manship had the quick hook (if only Shaw got the treatment; more immediate is the concern that the #3 reliever is shitting the bed now), and the second-best team in the NL...and Washington threw the game late.  I don't think tomorrow will bode well, but splitting two with the Nationals seems a hell of a lot better than a five-game losing streak...


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