Thursday, June 01, 2017


The NBA finals are on and I couldn't give a crap...  In the meantime..went to the dentist today so the lingering mouth issues...just a bruise on the upper palate, all the nerves inflamed.  There really isn't any pain, so...I am surprised the knee healed faster than the mouth.

Driving to work yesterday and saw a quintessential East Side driving moment...a cement mixer almost missed the exit and decided to cut through the medium to get on to the Broadway ramp...  in the meantime, an SUV was going about the exit lane, and without slowing, drove around the mixer, barely... I really thought I would see a crash, and the whole time, was thinking, welcome to the East Side.

In the meantime...well, getting out of the Paris Accord...I don't really care, and I suspect that all of the people really miffed about it will do absolutely nothing to prevent climate one at the office will bike to work, if you get my drift.  It was a campaign promise, so, there is something to be said for that.

I thought this was interesting...for one, yes, if you stop incarcerating violent criminals, and the crime rate goes up, people will be miffed -- crime was a lot higher a while back (I remember), and one way we solved it was to lock people up...there is an argument to be made for the economics, but the efficacy works. wouldn't surprise me if a lot -- if not most -- of these prosecutors are Democrats, so why isn't anyone going around and asking them about this...


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