Thursday, June 08, 2017


Well, I am 39...rah.  Very sad, of course, and with all else going on...well, it wasn't very celebratory.  Cupcakes were at PQ at the Meadhouse yesterday, which we won (by one)... very exciting, I guess.  Today and the rest of the week I will be working from home and catching up on some things. Maybe getting things done without the fuss of the office will help...though I am not quite sure that is a complete remedy.

As is so often the case, the problem is creating the system in the first place, as benefits, no matter how harmful they are, are seldom rescinded, seldom paid for, and seldom generate sufficient benefit compared to their outlay...

I remember reading The Marble Man a few years ago, and looking around online, you would have thought they were advocating the installation of a Porta-Potty on his tomb, so I am looking forward to the reaction to this one...

This amused the hell out of me; I mean, he's a Democrat (ha!) and Jewish, so what on Earth could he possibly know about Christianity....


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