Sunday, May 27, 2018


Well, that was... exciting?  I mean, stupendous pitching by Bauer, the usual bullpen explosion, a miraculous comeback, another comeback.. a Greg Allen walkoff... rah.  Pretty cool.  Of course, we have the usual issue -- the inability to find any reliever, which is troubling... I always say that sometimes you have to make a change to make a change, and methinks that time is now.  I'd also like to point out that George Kontos was DFAed by the Pirates, and while I don't think he would anything more than McAllister-lite... right now, you would take that.

I liked this story; for one, "The Entertainer" is one of my favorite films, so I became familiar with the music that way...two, for another, I sort of like the idea of commemorating those who, for one reason or another, fall through the cracks... yet another way in which we as a country practice redemption...

I am about a third of the way through "Woodstock," the next entry on the National Film Registry.  It's ok; I mean, if I attended or cared, it would be one thing, and if I liked the music...

Read a couple of books...yesterday I polished off The American Slave Coast, a look at the dynamics of slave trading among, well, everyone and everything in the US...  today I read Missoula, by Krakauer... interesting; I've never read anything of his til today; seen some of the films, but never the books.  He does tell a taut and moving tale...


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