Monday, June 25, 2018


You know, while I didn't exactly do a lot over the weekend, one important thing I did was sleep.... I took a three-hour nap Satuday, and I cannot remember the last time I did that.  It also, I think helped my side -- the muscle is still sore and while it might be getting better, it doesn't feel good.  One unique side benefit is that I am now doing leg day every other day, so those things are built up.  That said, I have not exactly picked a fine time to act my age, or at least feel like it.

It was good to see the Tribe doing well over the weekend, though again... it is like medaling in the Special Olympics.  Hell, even Tomlin got a scoreless inning! :)  That said, they are still short a reliever, and I wouldn't mind seeing Erik Gonzalez out there  at 2B...

This could be me, but the people who insist that people should have to bake cakes against their will should also have to serve any government official who walks in, like it or not... as for Maxine Waters... well, there a lot of GOPers with concealed carry permits, and I think a few of them standing their ground... well, you get the drift.  As for the politics...well, I think -- as noted elsewhere -- that the issue does help the GOP... most people already have no trouble believing that the press is against them, and if the Swamp, if you will, is also against them...well, drain baby drain!


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