Sunday, June 03, 2018


Good to see Edwin getting uncorked... to be sure, it always seems to happen now and in Minnesota, but, this team will -- for the time being -- have to score 12 runs to win.  Oi.  In the meantime... this could be me, but while I like Bauer and Clevinger, they are sort of head cases, and the fact that they continue to put pitches where they shouldn't...oi.  I know they are young, but they are not that young, and it is... troubling.  In the meantime, I like the idea of Oliver Perez, not that he is any better than anyone else, but at least they are trying something, and it is certainly better than Jeff Beliveau. God, Perez has been around a while, and I can remember that, which means I am old..

As a feminist, I am shocked and appalled by the efforts to silence a woman and prevent her voice from being heard....  Ok, I'll stop. It's almost too rich for me.  Ok, it's not, but you get my drift.  In other news, the North Korea summit is back on, not exactly surprising anyone, I think... again, I am not completely confident that it will achieve anything, but if it achieves something, that will be an improvement.

Corpus Christi was nice, as always, but it was...small.  I mean, all of the altars were on parish property, and it was just one block around.  I mean, I suspect there are not a lot of places elsewhere in the immediate neighborhood to put the altars up, and it's not like there are that many Catholics around -- and certainly not enough volunteers to help, either.... and this would include me, so, as with so many other things, we are at fault.

Took a break from the film list and watched "Land of Mine," a Danish film about how German soldiers -- it appears the Hitler Youth drafted at the end of the war -- were used to clear Danish beaches of mines after the war.  The film seems to imply that yes, it was shitty for these kids to do that, and I agree, but, anyone who has ever read more than 1,000 words about Germany and WWII... well, I feel badly, but not that badly.


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