Wednesday, June 06, 2018


Off today-- had an eye MD appointment -- and while everything is fine, the pupil dilation is rough; it was about four hours til I could read or type today, and that is NO FUN, especially for someone like myself.  I took a brief nap and watched "Save the Tiger," an interesting film NOT on the NFR, but one for which Jack Lemmon won the Best Actor Oscar in the 70s. In the meantime, I am better now, with a healthy dose of day baseball to cope.  :)

I call b.s. here; either it was wrong then and it was wrong now, or you made a political calculation to say it was right...but you can't go backsies, or, say, criticize the current occupant of the White House when your guy was pulling the same crap.  As with so many other things, as soon as people who were around back then and did nothing start squawking about the Donald, you know when it is time to stop listening.
Not only do I agree with this, but this is genius for males, especially those of a conservative bent...

I largely agree, but then the question is...what do you do about it now?


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