Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Progresses across the board

This is pretty cute, but... no winning in D&D?  Next you'll tell me there is no winning in baseball, or life!

Anyways, life and things are going...swimmingly, if you get my drift.  Actually, I am feeling my age, if you want to reflect... a few nites ago I woke up and 1) Pulled the muscle attached to my rib cage (on the heart side; I don't think I was having a coronary as I am alive and kicking still) and 2) Knocked over my glasses, banging the screw loose.  Fortunately, I was able to get the glasses fixed, and while my core still aches... well, I've been able to do more leg day, which is prolly good, even if it kills me.  Think of the calorie loss...

I see George Kontos is with the rampaging Tribe; two BBs and striking out the side is impressive enough for this bullpen.  The defense -- which has been interesting all year -- has especially shoddy of late; even Erik Gonzalez is getting into the act, which is no fun.  My original comment -- beating up on the White Sox is like medaling in the Special Olympics -- makes me about as offensive (and accurate) as I have always been...

Up to 667 on the film list (I watched two in a row to avoid certain demonic numbers):  "Steamboat Bill Jr," the Keaton flick with the cool wind effects (quite good) and this one:,_Zoopraxographer
 I really found it interesting; much as I say that silent films are a look at a lost world, so too was this one... all those photos, trying to capture motion, and then the camera comes along... but still pretty cool.


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