Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Up to 668 on the film list with the viewing of "Blackboard Jumble," which was an early version of "Stand and Deliver," I had some star power (quite a bit, if you account young Poitier and Morrow) and a plot that was... well, 50s ish.  I guess it was ok enough.  In the meantime...well, we are getting to the point where most of the films that have been seen and can be easily found... have been crossed off.
This, as you can imagine, amused the hell out of me...
I think I've mentioned before we as the GOP should NOT be afraid of this; one, because, well, it would our base more of a reason to get involved in things, and two, if libtards believe in taxing and paying their fair share...well, a disproportionate number of churches and on their side would be paying the brunt of this, and there is nothing more enjoyable than to see one's enemies hoisted on their own pastoral petards...
My first thought was "The ladies doth protest too much," followed by "Religious liberty but God help you if don't want to bake a cake for a same-sex couple."  In the meantime, Kennedy's retirement... well, for all the kvetching Republicans do about Trump (and I am one of them)... well, this is where, I think, they are (each and every mother-trucking one!) glad that he is sitting in the Oval Office.  I can console myself quite well by lapping up the sweet tears of liberal sorrow....


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