Friday, January 18, 2019

Cathcing up

So, after a long and busy week -- full of sort-of drama, here we are...  one of my coworkers pointed out the Cody Allen deal, 1 year for $8 million.  I pointed out that 1) Allen didn't have a good year and 2) After the Shaw fiasco for Colorado, maybe they are thinking guys here are run hard and might implode, so you will need the dough for Plan B...

I read this, and found it interesting, but I wonder how much of this is like, say, health care?  We've conquered the easy stuff, if you will, but harder require consumers and others to do a lot of difficult stuff that is often beyond the pale...
 But even internally of course...look at obesity, for instance.  Smoking even today has its adherents (if you will).

Of course, this is part of the problem...  or, as I said at work, somewhere, someone said that the nutrition science was settled...oops.
I think someone is missing the point here, namely that for all of the talk being President for all Americans and such, in general, one party acts to benefit its supporters and voters, and the other one gets it in the kiester.  This is fine, I think, but we just can't be honest about it.  I always like to say that no Hope and Changer has ever paid me back for the additional money I have spent on health care, despite the promise of $2,500 a year in savings... this person is stating what I and a lot of others feel, is that those who introduced this have yet t bear its burdens, and it is high time they did so...


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