Monday, February 04, 2019

Catching up

This could be me, but for all of the kvetching about the Super Bowl...well, people watched, didn't they?  And, honestly, do you really think the NFL wanted something exciting, politically?  Of course not; I mean, picking Maroon 5 in the first place did the trick...
This could be me, but I would think that this is the sort of the GOP could get into fixing AND improving their standing among African-Americans.  I realize of course that these goals would seem to be mutually exclusive, but... they shouldn't be?  It's morally wrong, for one, and two, if the GOP really believes in, say, limiting the exploitave powers of government...well, this should be one of them, right?

Speaking of, Donald Trump made a good point...namely, what about the oppo research in VA?  This could be me, but I would like to think that a yearbook photo should be easy to spot.  Now, I realize getting the guy now has all sorts of advantages, but I would have thought putting a GOP governor in VA -- outside shot though it may be -- would have been a priority as well.  It does come at a nice time for the President -- it's hard to paint the GOP as racist asshats when one of your own is in blackface -- and it would be funny as hell if the Donald referenced it tomorrow...


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