Sunday, March 10, 2019

Stuff happens

So, is it me, or has Duke played itself on to the 3 line? Ok, maybe I am just panicking, but... and yes, losing two starters to injury would cripple any team, but... they aren't exactly setting the world on fire right now.

In last week's bulletin, it was announced that the Diocese was shutting down the Manna program -- you buy your gift cards through the parish, they get a cut, and everyone is happy. On the one hand, I can see -- it is a lot of work for not much cash -- but it does help the parishes, and every little bit helps.  More seriously... I am going to miss it, as I bought a lot of cards from them.  I mean, my own purchases of gas and groceries, cards for Mom, and a few others, such as stuff from the drug store or fast food places for lunch (with Mom).  I also loaded up on them at Xmas, so I will have to shop (either for cards or other stuff) on my own. It is a first world problem, but...

I have to admit, I have been having trouble with some stuff lately -- my most recent endeavor -- so I made sure to light a candle and pray at the Pieta today... and my latest work on the project went...fairly smoothly?  I mean, compared to recent events.  I am guardedly optimistic that this will continue...


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