Thursday, February 14, 2019


I have to admit, watching yet another round of Democratic scandals in Cuyahoga County... I mean, I think the main problem is that, of course, you have one party rule, but on the other hand, with all of the stuff the county has had in the past, you'd think they would be...smarter?  Less obvious?  I mean, really. 

In the meantime, the Duke comeback was pretty awesome, but... after a while, don't you have to change things a bit, like stop shooting 3s so often?  They really aren't very good with them, and until that changes... I mean, it's not like they don't have any options inside...
This could be me, but...what if he is...innocent?  As I often say at work -- to the amusement of all, let me tell you -- Democrats don't have a very good record when it comes to defending people of color who are accused of this sort of thing...
There was something of a kerfuffle on the right, with Evan McMillan saying that he was now going to support Trump in 2020... aside from the fact that Christian conservatives (like the son of Jerry Falwell) are supporting a thrice-married man with a (long) history of paying off his conquests, I would argue that THIS is why; these people have gotten more from Trump (arguably) than two terms of W, so...

Um...yes? Ok, if the accusations levied against him by an underage girl are true, that's one thing...  as for the other... I don't know?  I guess I would say that maybe now the issue -- in this post-Weinstein era -- is that people don't like this anymore?  I mean, an article of "guy hates his exes and tries to ruin their careers" without this... is that a story?  Maybe?  It is sketch, of course, but that isn't technically...wrong?  Like, if this were two real estate agents....


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