Saturday, February 16, 2019

More linx

Busy couple of days!! Last nite I went to dinner with some friends -- Barrio in Lakewood, which was good, and I even found convenient parking, though let's face it, it is sort of a rigamaroley to get there and paw through the order sheet.  Today I had OC duty -- surprisingly busy, we gave away all of the produce (by design) and a lot of garments in the clothing room.  The off to Mom's, the gym, and home, where I tried to get thtough the pile of emails and links. Still not done...
 Years ago, I was talking to a priest from Europe -- but who had spent a lot of time here, and he said the problem was the in Europe, the rules are viewed as the best-case scenario; people lived to them as close as they could, and that was that, whereas here, the rule is THE rule and that's that.  His view -- which seemed a little permissive to me -- was that this was the root of the problem... Europeans who run the Church just don't get this.  And, he added... there are more of us -- he meant the peons in the pews -- and thus no one other there can't get a grasp of the anger.  And I was like, then and now, well, maybe you should.

Um, no?  Maybe?  I think the issue -- believed by a LARGE group of GOPers -- is that government is so big and expensive in that you have the same, entrenched people running it...  Anyways, rotation of government -- especially in the legislative branch -- would acheieve that... also, surreptitiously, you would see more of the small business types, a natural GOP, government-cutting bloc if any.

 um...good?  I think it would at least have the advantage of the pretense of honesty....

 I love the last part; they think they aren't being taxed enough, but certainly not enough to cut the check themselves...


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