Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Catching Up....

So, another long break between blogs (and I should be sleeping).  This weekend was the parish Polish Festical, so Thursday night -- after reporting to the kitchen -- I baked brownies, and then I worked all weekend at my usual kitchen spot.  It was not exactly fun, as we were super busy, and much of yesterday was spent lounging about, watching the blisters on the blisters on my feet go down.  But I hope it was a good festival for the parish...

I thought this was interesting.

Boy, starting Verlander on three days' rest worked out pretty well, didn't it?  I don't know, this could be me, but....with their rotation, why would they need to start him on three days' rest?  I would think Verlander in a game 5 is what you want, and if you don't need him...then he starts in the ALCS.


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