Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Whimper, Not Bang

As always...well, yes, I am busy, and even tonight, my blog presence will be... limited.

Well, that was a fine end to the Tribe season, wasn't it? Remember when Terry Francona's teams were at their best when the chips were down and they were faced with elimination?  Those times seem so very long ago...

I think this is...largely correct?  I mean, I don't know...there might be a chance you re-sign Kipnis; not sure they want to put Nolan Jones out there, and the FA pickings are slim.  I can see 1/$5 or even 1.$8, but... the man really does need to be platooned, IMHO.  You also need a closer, or so, as I don't really trust Brad Hand.  I was at the rainout, of course, and they showed an infographic that said that no reliever had had more appearances than Hand between 2016 and 2018... I suspecg that more than anything might the root of his issues....

I've been reading a couple of these articles... I mean, there's the whole point of what exactly the company is trying to do, and, of course, as I like to say... everyone loves a train wreck...  I guess I just wondered how he thought he could get away with it, especially nowadays...


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