Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas

 You know, Christmas was nice, if quiet... went to my sister's last night to continue our tradition of exchanging presents and of course the usual family mockery ensued (we are a loving bunch).  Left early to get some rest.  Presents were good; couple of books, some shirts, gym clothes, the usual snarky gifts from Favorite Niece...rah.

Today has felt like a Sunday, hasn't it? Mass, empty roads, that sort of thing,  Mass, of course, was lovely; surprisingly big crowd, and I think they all sat behind me, to boot -- didn't seem so full at first. I had EM duty today and it was almost a mess...had to find the key to the tabernacle (this happened during Mass) and two trips to the choir loft after the usual rounds, not that we do not need the exercise.  Anyways, Mass was beautiful, as always...then back to my sister's for a bit for brunch, then a few brief  visits to the godchildren, and then home.  I napped for a bit, caught up on some paperwork, and then off to the laptop for some filmage...two shorts.

One was "Ringling Brothers Parade Film," a 1902 film fragment of the Ringling Brothers Parade through Indianapolis.  Interesting story the film -- reel found in the basement, had to be preserved, some historical detective work to figure out when and where, plus it was cool to see a parade (elephants, beasts) in 1902.  Next was "Flowers and Trees," an early Disney short in Technicolor.  Cute film, certainly for the era -- lots of color and brightness for those in the theater in the middle of the Depression.  This brings me to 780 on the list, with another ordered from the library and one seemingly impossible to find.  For now...


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