Sunday, January 09, 2022


 I don't know, I am just...tired today.  To be sure, I didn't get a lot of sleep, and was busy today -- funeral luncheon that went longer than I expected, plus a solid workout -- and I have felt myself lagging in many ways. I did drink three cups of coffee, and am considering a fourth, but...I guess a decent amount of solid sleep would help, but in the meantime...this will have to do.

Interesting points here; I think the one about the preparation of the players -- especially with buzzer systems that mimic the actual experience -- is the most correct.  I mean, you can do it literally as often as you want (repeat episodes aren't that hard to find) and get the rhythm down. Considering the stakes, you would be unwise not to do so.  After the buzzer mechanism, all it takes it...time.

I was poking around on the Ringer because one of my good friends clued me in to the site's podcasts about the essential songs of the 90s; the first one I came across was from the Counting Crows, and I think we all know I've wanted dreadlocks ever since Adam Duritz entered my life.  And, of course, who doesn't love Weezer and Counting Crows (if you are a white kid from an upper class suburb, of course)?  Naturally, Matt being Matt, the whole concept (I haven't listened to any yet), depressed me, as I am so old; I mean, I remember these songs like they were yesterday, and they are literally three decades old in some cases.  Oi.


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