Monday, January 03, 2022

Back to Normalcy

 Back at work of the first things I did was archive my series of files with various news events (interesting articles, distribution stuff, M&A stuff) from 2021, as it is now 2022.  Of course, knowing me, I will still probably try to save new stuff in the old files.  At least the drive on my computer looks empty, though.  I do save a lot; never know when some tidbit might come in handy or someone has a wise explanation for something.  I finally figured out some of the new laptop -- had to reimport passwords and such. One minor problem is that I have not been able to figure out how to get two screens to show different things; not that this is a problem now, but as everyone tells me two screens is liberating....well, we will see.

Blood sugar was high most of today, as was my cough; still worried about something more serious.  On the other hand, things are more normal with blood sugar now, and I will buy some over-the-counter stuff tomorrow to combat things.  Eating more oranges (quite good) and polishing off some Vitamin C, which may help... Also hit the gym twice today; felt good to do so, though the place is prolly a COVID pit; few wear masks in there (I don't) and I know many people are not vaccinated; on the other hand, they are younger and better looking and in better shape, so who am I to judge?  (Quoting Pope Francis isn't exactly an ideal strategery.)

This was quite interesting and informative; loved the illustrated engineering to show how things went tragically wrong, Now I want to pay down some of the HELOC debt faster to make more repairs around here...


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