Sunday, January 02, 2022


 Is it me, or is the elephant in the room about Antonio Brown is that he is...mentally ill?  I mean, most people don't act that way.  Now, we'll never know, due to HIPAA, if that is the case, but on the other hand... wouldn't his agent was to get that out there to paint a more sympathetic picture?  Of course, the last thing the NFL wants is someone claiming mental illness that has been accelerated/exacerbated due to the rigors of playing in the NFL.  But I don't think we escape that possibility, can we?

One thing about being sick that I completely forgot about -- it plays havoc with the blood sugar.  I think I will simply have to live with higher blood sugars for the next couple of days until I get better, but in the meantime... I mean, I am eating less in general (but more fruits and vegetables) and trying to add some more Vitamin C to the diet; some more sleep would be good, too... I took a brief hour nap today...more of a nod off, but then I was off to being productive Mattie again, and it was...good.

About halfway through Let's Play Two, which I am enjoying immensely (obviously).  I forgot he was in the Negro Leagues as they fell apart, and I forgot he was an MVP on a last-place (or almost last place) team; nowadays, we turn our nose up at this sort of thing (which I largely agree with) but no one seemed to mind too much then; of course, there were fewer teams and no sabremetrics to compare players to another.  I guess his personal life was less successful, but on the field, he was...quite the one to emulate.


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