Thursday, December 30, 2021


 I think I have a slight cold; a bit of the, no COVID symptoms; as we say in my family, I can smell my own farts.  It's the damn waking up in the night with low blood sugar.   I sleep so poorly as it is, then I wake up from a solid sleep, and it's a good half hour before I go back to bed, which ruins the sleep rhythm.  Oi.  Off tomorrow so I can sleep in a bit, one hopes.  Actually, I took a brief nap today, which was nice.  Had to go to the office to get the new laptop -- supposedly much faster, we will see -- but were dismissed early, so I had a free hour.  Rah.  Now, of course, I am not tired.  Maybe it was the showing of the Downton Abbey movie on PBS, which, as you can imagine, brought immense holiday joy.

Well, duh, I could have told them that!

In other news, they came to empty my downspout today right at 8:30...took almost an hour, but -- and assuming they actually did it -- the thing should be clean, and the waterproofing people can come and hook up the pipes and finish that project.  Was thinking that, for all hem-hawing about cash, and the need to pay down debt so I can start the next project, it's not all bad.  The roof is fixed and looks better, the basement water issue is fixed, and the shelves are in so the crap piles upstairs are back downstairs, so I have a room back.  These are big things that are done, and with a little luck, I can finish off one or two more this year....ok, this next year....


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