Thursday, January 06, 2022


 On the one hand, today sort of dragged for me -- an avalanche of little things at work -- but on the other I did get some things done.  Key among them, of course (ok, I didn't do this) was that my new security/storm door was installed.  It went quite smoothly -- no mess, the gentleman left me the old door to recycle, appreciated my offer of the bathroom -- and it does look nice.  It also locks, two of them, in fact.  This is a shift... funny; I was thinking about the house today...   Mainly, while I have a lot more that needs to be done (and a bill that has to be paid off some more), some of the bigger ones -- roof, basement -- are done.  The door is a nice add on.  Next up... well, prolly the drywall on the ceiling; maybe the basement bathroom drain.  The chimneys.  Those are smaller ones.  Or, I could shift to bathroom/windows/carpet.  I am leaning smaller, but am not wedded in stone.

I don't blame the Dems for maximizing the 1/6 riot anniversary, as we would do the same.  I don't think it moves the needle that much, as voters are concerned with other things, namely the economy, and that is how the midterms will be decided.  In some ways, this could be a powerful GOP rebuttal; you claim love the country and all, yet the basic problems -- rampaging inflation, rampaging crime, shortages, etc. -- not only can you not fix, but the solutions you offer are worse.  Indeed -- and I am not the only one to make this comparison -- all of the 1/6 stuff serves only to deflect that criticism from the Dems.  One would think Ted Cruz or Lindsay Graham would be out there saying this...  unless they are holding fire til the election draws closer.

I had no idea I was such the globalist, progressive type!


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