Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 Is it me, or was it surprisingly pleasant today?  I mean, it's been a surprisingly mild winter so far; not much snow, decent temperatures (at least here); my gas bill was through the roof, but, then again, what isn't nowadays?  More reason to consider new windows, I guess...  I don't expect this to last, and it's not good for the crops if we don't get enough snow (shudder), but for now, I will take it.

Interesting.  One of the coworkers and I were discussing this, and while I think he would be a very good candidate in average times... first of all, there are all those Trumpers who would rather eat a bowl of shit than vote for him, which makes it difficult to survive in a primary, Trump running or not.  Second, of course, is that the party seems to be a bit more animated, now, if you will, than before, so he looks... not as strong.  I mentioned Richard Nixon as a comp; lost the race in 1960 (narrowly), lost a race in 1962, no more kicking around anymore...and then of course he went around and campaigned for GOPers and built those connections...we know what happened later.  I can easily see Pence doing that, especially as for a lot of GOPers, he is perfectly acceptable.

This is hilarious; it would have been better if he had called him a douchebag or something, but I will take it (it's not his style, to be sure).  I am pleased to see that GOP is pushing back on this, calling them hypocrites and defending the filibuster.  On the one hand, I am not sure how long this will last, but on the other...well, I wonder how much Trump has affected this.  GOP voters like to see their candidates on the attack, something the Donald did regularly, and I sense that GOPers who want to remain elected will copy his style more...


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