Friday, February 25, 2022


 One thing I've noticed is that the rampant inflation is affecting fish fry dinners; $15 seems to be the norm all of a sudden (ok, not really).  On the one hand, it's a lot; on the other, it's not (costs are up), it is for the church, and I can afford it, with the not driving and the new-job-and-raise-in-pay (to say nothing of me being a cheap SOB).  I have certainly been around long enough to know that the margins on these things are not that high and people have to hustle to make bank.  To be sure, there are some bargains abounding, but I feel the need to spread my travel wings a bit this year.  The guy who says "Restaurant Lives Matter" really shouldn't be squawking about an $3 for a church dinner (Mom spins in the urn).

"Hoosiers" was on TCM tonight.  It is the season, with March Madness upon us; more to the point...I just love the film -- even makes me cry at the end -- and of course I had to watch.  I think people like sports movies in general, and this one -- redemption, second chances, the underdog victorious -- does it for me.  But...he doesn't do much as a coach, that's true; no nifty play calls or anything of the sort.

This is pretty cool, though I am not surprised.  I mean, she can coach; she may be a lightning rod for controversy, but...I still can't believe Baylor let her go.  Certainly, coaching at the alma mater must have been especially...enervating for her.  And, well, women's basketball is still at the stage where you need some attention; media numbers are rising but are not high, if you get my drift.

Snicker, snicker.  You can be damn sure, of course, that no Democratic governor will be asked about this...


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