Thursday, March 17, 2022

Mayday Parade

 March Madness is upon us, and it is glorious.  UK losing as a 2, OT in the Creighton-SDSU game... if SDSU loses this one -- after coughing up a lead -- it will be a very bad day for the Mountain West.  This might deflect attention from the Big Ten; aside from UM's win (comeback!), they did not have a good day, with Iowa upset by Richmond -- scrappy bid stealers that they are -- and Indiana taking it in the pooper from St. Mary's.  Let's hope that this is the only #15 upset of the tourney...

Um...ok, he has a point, but... there are a dozen mid-majors who could really complain.  I mean, not only do those teams get screwed on bids, they also have to play every big game on the road, with a fraction of the resources of the power conferences...but no one gives them an 8-minute screed to bitch about the vagaries of being on the wrong side of the bubble.  Hell, no one even gives them 10 seconds.  So I don't really have sympathy for Buzz here.

This popped up on my radar because I finished Douthat's To Change The Church, and he identified this issue -- the German bishops trying to change the marriage laws of the Church -- as the point where things have gone off the rail  To wit... while Francis may have allowed discussion of the issue, the immutability of the Sacrament of Marriage -- the actual teaching of Christ, spelled out in the Bible, to say nothing of the strong tradition of it in the Church (a key reason for the spread of Christianity in Rome) is the third rail for theological conservatives...and moderates, as well, given the trickery of getting it right.  Interesting read, and I think he gets the main drift correct..

So Tuesday I went to the Agora to see Magnolia Park/Real Friends/Mayday Parade... if anything, I have learned that I love live music.  And it was fun!  Sort of a hundred dollar day, but it was good to get out of the house, listen to some good tunes.  I love Mayday Parade -- awesome as always -- and Real Friends was quite good; haven't listened to them in a while but they were sweet. Magnolia Park also had a good sound -- but no CDs at the merch stand, very sad... I mean, you can get it for free anywhere, but to support a band...


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