Thursday, March 10, 2022

Return to Glory

 So, tonight -- for the first time in two years -- Team XI (and myself) played Pub Quiz.  It was at the Rustic Grill, part of the Stone Water Gold Club in Highland Hills (so it was sort of a hike).  And...we won!  It was glorious, even if I didn't exactly play a large role in the victory (the questions weren't exactly in my wheelhouse).  Seven rounds (value of the questions going up every round), with some bonuses and a Final J!-style wager on the final question.  We had the lead going to the finals and of course got the answer right in the finals... winning a mini bottle of booze and a BOGO dinner couple...which is nice, aside from the hike there and the fact that it has to be used by April.  Oops.  Oh well.  We did have fun and will be returning to defend our crown.  The food was ok; I had chicken paprikash, which was good, but they put the spaetzels and the side literally on top of each other, so... well, I prefer some food separation!

Between this and the clips of him laying into various reporters... I am beginning to think I might have to view drinking orange juice like I do eating at Chick-Fil-A; every time you do it, a liberal dies.  And that would be a damn shame.

I managed to do a gym double today, lifting in the AM and doing legs after PQ; my blood sugar was a bit high and I had some nervous energy to burn off.  That, too, was glorious; good to get some extra exercise in, build some muscle, and have some quiet time for my thoughts... of course, it affected my sleep schedule, but if I feel it is worth it...


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