Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The March of Progress

 So...I had a meeting from 1 to 3 (and then a bit more) today, and I didn't get home until the 79th minute of the game.  Not that I care, of course, but Team USA is Team USA, and I want us to win every damn time, especially against Iran, a country which, by my official designation, is both a Third World Shithole of Irrelevance and a County We Should Bomb or Have Not Bombed Enough.  Now, I realize I am an American, but...to me, playing to hold a win with 20 minutes of regulation -- much less all the extra time -- is dumb.  For one thing... conceding anything to a team like Iran -- physically aggressive yet Duke-like in dive-taking -- simply invites free and penalty kicks.  To say nothing of the fact that going on defense means that they will be on offense, playing on your side of the field... to me, the psychology is just off.  A more serious objection, though, is that what if they had scored?  Do you think Team USA could have pulled it together and marched down the pitch?  I mean, scoring a second goal (or at least trying to) means insurance, it means the ball in Iran's side, it means you are trying to win and not to lose.  I realize I am not a soccer fan, but... yet another reason why I hate this boring game. 

I must look like crap, as several people asked if I was... my voice is a little hoarse and raspy, and I still have a cough/sniffles.  But... the funny thing is that I feel great.  Last week I was clearly feeling a cold -- physically cold, tired, felt congested.  Now... back to normal. Rode a full 20 minutes at the gym, did a full workout, I even feel like a spring is back in my step.  Of course, looking like death warmed over might be a problem, and this cracky voice is, but...I can deal with that.  I should start going back to two-a-days at the gym, but I suspect a few more days of extra rest might not be the worst.  For now.


Interesting.  Now, I don't quite see how they can do it, save for a big bump in the sales tax, which I would NOT want, as it is fairly regressive, and also, stuff is too expensive now anyways.  I think you could easily cut a billion in spending, and ideally reduce the income and the sales tax by similar margins, at least as a "start."  Of course, hearing Republicans actually talk about Republican things is vaguely refreshing for a change...


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