Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Blasts From The Past

 You know, I am still not exactly feeling better -- my voice is a bit hoarse, still a bit sniffly, that sort of thing.  Hitting the hay early tonight in the hope that maybe an extra hour of sleep or so might help.  

So, Herschel Walker lost last night, and I think it went as most people expected.  Alas.  I do enjoy the articles about Trump taking yet another beating, but I don't think this means he is beaten; I mean, the king has to be killed, and you best not miss.  For all the hand-wringing among the professional politicos...the man has an immense following, and that is hard to miss.  Yet there are cracks...

This is hilarious, and I for one would love it if Project Veritas, Jim Jordan, or some other similar type wandered into the local ACLU office (or county prosecutor's office) and went about trying to file a suit.  Now, to be sure, I largely agree with the restaurant -- they should be able to serve who they want -- but that is not what they to do when it applies to them, and of course they should be called to the carpet about it.  Of course, they won't be, but... one can dream.

I was going through the house today, and man, my living room table is dusty.  I should probably do a clean day Saturday, though that is sort of problematic, as I have a full day on my plate (and ditto for the weekend).  Of course, it takes not that much time to clean!  Or at least dust.  Hell, my plan to go through the pile on the kitchen table has been in abeyance, done in fits and starts, and subject to revision, as new stuff is added.  Oi.  It is a lack of disciple at the end of the day!

I am halfway through book 42 on the year, called Porphyry's Against the Christians.  I dummied into it while reading something else (book about Rome in Late Antiquity) and of course I had to check it out.. basically, Porphyry was one of the first pagan philosophers to really go after the Christians, and he did it using logic and the words of the Scriptures itself.  Now, what is left of him are excerpts from Christian defenders because once the Christians took over the Roman empire, such books were sent to the fire pit... anyways, what is left is quite good.  Some of it is based on differences in perception, other times logic, and other times he takes the contradictory texts of the Bible and says "this is crap" in so many words.  Interesting.  The second half of the book is the author's look at Judaism from 600 BC to the Roman times, and how the religion was affected by cultural contacts (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, etc.)... as well as by the new sect of Christianity.  It's not long, so I want to finish it, but it is a cool look at a changed time, and we know how I love that...


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