Weighed myself today and I was at 194 pounds, which was odd, as Saturday I was 191, and I haven't really eaten any more or less than I normally do. Oi. I rode the bike a little extra today, and milled around the house more... other than avoiding low blood sugar (easier said than done), not sure what I can, aside from eating less, though I have been fairly restrained lately.
So, I was watching J!, and when the answer popped up in the Final round, I was like "Gee, it's a shame they have such an easy question when the game is so close;" in other words, that I thought it was a gimmie and the champ would nail it. And he...did not. Shows you what I know! Anyways, another super Champion goes down. I was thinking today about how many great contestants of the past (say, Frank Spangenburg) could have put together a run of 20 or more wins, and the answer I kept coming back to was "quite a few." To be sure, buzzer strategery and wagering was much more primitive (save for Chuck Forrest), and you couldn't actually practice on a buzzer system at home (unless you made one), but in terms of knowledge... I find it hard to believe that few Undefeated Five-Day Champions of the day couldn't have a month of wins if they wanted to.
Quite a good summary. Will we see charges? Ha!
Interesting take. Not sure I fully agree with it; ok, yes, that was one of the concepts, but I really think -- at the end of the day -- a lot of these people really believed that they were going to get rid of the demon rum (and all of its pernicious influences) finally, and I suspect few, if any, imagined the consequences.
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