Saturday, December 03, 2022


 Busy day, despite my efforts to the contrary!  Slept in a bit, then went to a World Cup party hosted by a former coworker/good friend and his gf.  This was mostly fun, aside from the fact that 1) It was soccer and 2) We lost.  To be sure, this was not unexpected, but it is still no fun.  Then it was off to the library and the gym, followed by a meet with a friend and then off to pick up some winter coats for the food pantry.  We are getting quite a bit of them this year (this is good) but the question is getting them out... appears we had some rain today so they couldn't do it today, which is all sorts of trouble...  anyways. then I went home and did some online shopping, organized the Xmas list, and cleaned the bathroom (which was more entertaining than the soccer game).  

Watched "Blood Simple" last night; it's a Coen Brothers film noir from the 1980s; quite good.  Very sparse in a lot of ways, but the disparate plot twists came together quite nicely, and the film really moved along.  Wasn't very long, either, always nice nowadays...

Been feeling out of sorts lately; I mean, maybe the cold is part of it, but it is something else.  I wouldn't necessarily say that I have been lonely lately, but I have been feeling that I need to get out more, hang with people, that sort of thing...maybe even, like, go on a date.  Odd and not sure why... I am getting older, and maybe I know what is coming, but on the other hand, in no way would I consider myself to be a social creature....


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