Friday, December 09, 2022

Crises of Moderation

 Interesting blemish was the wi-fi (and cable) kicked out for a couple of hours this afternoon... thankfully I had downloaded some PDFs, so I could read those, but I was locked out of the network, so some typing could not be done.  Oi.  It was a first world problem, and I marvel to myself as to how put out I can become about this, but...  of course, it would be less annoying if I had not paid the cable bill a couple of days ago.  The gas bill...yikes.  I boiled some eggs today, and I was thinking that maybe I should have highballs instead.

Another oddity:  weighed myself at the gym, and came in at 197.  Very odd, as a few days ago I was 192, and my eating has been...about the same as it always is, so I doubt I added five pounds in the interim.  I also doubt that the gym double from yesterday added so much muscle.  I guess when I arrive tomorrow I can weigh myself and go from there.  Or just not eat for three days.  :)

Watched a film noir tonight (as if I have nothing else to do, but I am in a Netflix-advancing mood, and I do like the new DVD player); "They Live by Night," which stars Farley Granger (the crazy guy from "Strangers on a Train").  It also has Howard da Silva; I was like "wasn't he Ben Franklin in '1776'?"  He was (I could tell by the voice).  Anyways, the film was... good.  The ending was a bit contrived, but I did like how the story arc went -- boy and girl on the lam fall in love, they plan to live a normal life, and things happen.

The Kyrsten Sinema thing is...interesting.  I wonder what the idea is; the best one is that she thinks she can win re-election (if running) by pursuing moderates -- those (unfortunately numerous) who don't like the neo-Trump Lake wing of the party on the right, and if she believes that the Dems will run a hard-leftie in the general.... there might be an opening for her to slide down the middle.  I don't really see it, but it's not completely implausible, but, of course, 2024 is a while aways.


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