Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Deez Nutsism, If You Will

Funny; long food pantry meeting (quarterly board, lots of stuff to discuss), and then, since my blood sugar was high (as it was all day, odd), I decided to hit the gym for leg night.  I then decided to watch the J! episodes I had accumulated on the Tivo... odd.  My scores were down, and while some of it (on the Masters Tournament) is because of the questions, I had to admit... my mind doesn't work quite as well at 11 as it does at 8.  Odd.  Maybe I am not as smart as I once was, and I guess I am certainly not as young.  Alas.  Anyways, I crashed a little after 12:30 (having NOT done much of what I wanted to do) and eschewed the blogging...so today we are definitely catching up.

I listened to the City Club podcast of the debate they had about Senate Bill 83, the Higher Education Endorsement Act.  Honestly, I don't know.  There are some First Amendment and free speech issues here, no question.  On the other hand... no one (at least no one as dumb as one of the panelists) is immune to the fact that on a lot of campuses, free speech is under attack, at least when conservatives try to do it.  To me, any bill should, well, punish those who disrupt speakers and such; I think expulsion would be a very serious, expensive, and more than appropriate gesture, and certainly one that would work (at least after a few events).  That would be an impressive bill, although one, I suspect, the RINOs who run Ohio would shrink from immediately.

The Harms of Hospital Mergers and How to Stop Them - American Economic Liberties Project

Yet another horror of Obamacare, and...crickets.  The people who pull these cons on the American people never seem to face any accountability or punishment for this sort of thing.  As I am fond of saying, my healthcare costs doubled -- costing me about $1,500 a year -- and have been that higher since it passed.  Not the savings of $2,500 I was promised (not that I believed).  Nor could I keep my healthcare.  Anyways, if I were an enterprising GOP governor, I would 1) announce a plan for the state to run rural hospitals (such as those closed) and 2) make Obamacare supports/ACA plan recipients/etc. pay for it, such as by special taxes and the like.  You could put something cool like "Making Them Actually Pay Their Fair Share" in the bill title and then say they have to do it...all while reminding everyone that it was the ACA that did it.  And, of course, as they wanted it, well, now it is time to pay the piper.  In some ways, Ohio would be an ideal state for this to work, given we have a GOP supermajority (save for the gubernatorial seat) but... well, let's just say the cojones only applies to enriching themselves and not, say, enriching their supporters sometimes.


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