Friday, July 14, 2023

Social Justice Tourism

 *Frankenstein* (1910) – The Public Domain Review
Dare I say this was interesting?  It was!  I am not familiar with the novel, nor many of the film adaptations (save for the original, which I believe is on the National Film Registry), but I recall a bit of it... and it doesn't really match the film.  But the special effects (remember, this is 1910) are pretty cool, and I can easily see how people back then would have been fascinated by the rise of the monster.  

Because I now have so much free time, I continued my tours of the SVDP food pantries, visiting Community Corner at 83rd and Detroit on the West Side -- I guess you could call it the cusp of Gordon Square.  It was interesting.  The site is small (basically a store front) with a small waiting area, a counter, shelves with canned goods and some bakery, and a freezer with the meat offerings of the day.  There is a back area with a small office and some storage for more canned goods... but it is NOT a lot of space.  Clients register (MUST have ID and current address) and then walk to the counter, where clients can pick a set number of food items; mainly canned goods, some random stuff sourced from elsewhere, two bread items, and one meat.  I would say that a client gets slightly less than half of what they get at the OC (although they can come twice a month at Community Corner, albeit not in the same week).  I of course took copious notes, photos, and observations, and will eventually get around to reporting them -- I have not yet written everyone about my trip to our Brookside site.  Everyone was very kind, especially as I served as a volunteer -- the pace didn't seem that hurried (a big change) and I quickly grasped the method of operation.  

Then it was home for some chilling and an interview; the job seemed interesting, but the pay -- added AFTER I applied -- was about half of what I had mentioned for my salary range.  I mean, if they can offer more, fine, but if not...why would you offer the position?  Sometimes, I just roll my eyes at these people.

Let Allie Beth Stuckey explain the proper response to being called a "transphobe" | Not the Bee
Quite right!

Ron DeSantis brushes off early 2024 GOP campaign obstacles - POLITICO
Interesting... similarly, I wonder if DeSantis can win the coveted Vander Platts endorsement in Iowa.  Can it move the needle?  I wonder...if it didn't matter that the favorite candidate was a thrice-divorced serial adulterer in 2016, would it make a difference now?  To be sure, Trump was a new thing then, but now... he is not.  But, Trump does have a good record of supporting the priorities of the Christian right, even if he is not among them.  Of course, so does DeSantis. 

I just realized I forgot to do laundry, so -- here we are, making coffee and throwing stuff in the washer.  I should probably be in bed, but adulting is hard, and if I get it done tonight I can let everything air-dry overnight.  This is what passes for an exciting Friday night around here nowadays...


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