The easing of troubles
Well, that was an impressive Duke game! Funny; I watched until J! came on, and Duke was playing outstandingly well, and then when I switched off... it appeared Baylor came back equally strong. The second half...many times I thought they were dead, but -- despite foul trouble by Filipowski (Ryan Young, where have you been?) -- they finished incredibly strong and pulled out the upset win (I just love saying that). It's a big win in many ways, mainly because... well, the non-conference slate isn't that strong, and the MSU win is... not that good now. Losing to AZ is no slouch, but other than that... well, the Brotherhood, if they play like this all year... just saying.
Susanna Gibson’s Campaign and the Crisis of Digital Privacy - POLITICO
I really don't know what to think of this; on some things I think she made some good points, but then I think "if you are running for office, you should be smarter than that." Yes, I know she is a Democrat, but... then again, Donald Trump certainly didn't purge his records, business dealings, and interesting personal relationships, did he?
Went to Malley's for some hostess/Xmas gifts, and... whoa. They have really gotten expensive. Yes, I know you are paying for quality, and what hasn't gotten expensive, but... it was sort of eye-popping. Christmas only happens once a year, I realize, but times like this make me somewhat pleased about that.
Another popping thing; for the last few weeks, my stomach has been...rumbly. Not sure how or why but I have never had such prolonged feelings of craptasticness. Until today; pretty much all day today I felt... normal. Odd. Good. If it was a bug, I hope it has passed, though I will continue to load up on OTC stuff and I may just use the prescription the MD wrote for me. My old MD would have appreciated that I really felt crappy to call in for help, but now, with the new guy... alas.
I got a bunch of Xmas cards today, but I am still behind. I know I am not exactly one for sending them, but I always mail them out to people who do send me one, and thus I am sure if this a secular decline (in every sense of the word) or people just being equally grinch-like to me. In which case, I really cannot complain...
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