Friday, November 29, 2024

Lazy Friday

Black Friday and I did violate my policy of leaving the house to have lunch with Favorite Niece and hit the gym.  Odd, not working; I slept in a bit, caught up on some paperwork, and then off to lunch.  Our new tradition is Watami, the conveyor belt sushi place.  It's pretty cool; as we agreed, one nice thing about is most places sell six or twelve pieces of sushi, whereas here they give you 3 or 4, so you can sample them and see if you like it or not.  You can get real food there, and they have interesting things -- daily specials and such.  It wasn't too crowded -- we expected more, and it was barely half full.  Maybe people were full...  anyways, the gym was full, and I weighed in at 187.8, so I am quite full as well.  I would like to think that the heavy eating will be done by the weekend with the leftovers, then back to more normal fare. 

I think I overdid the sugar in the cranberries, as eating more than a small amount sends the blood sugar out of whack.  I should have known better, to be sure, but I was trying to match how Mom made it.  Alas.  On the other hand, I will be eating cranberries for a while.

I need to make a Christmas list.  Normally I am on the warpath about this -- getting one out and getting them from the family -- but this year, and I am not sure why, I have not.  I got the gift for the giving tree at church, which counts, I guess, but I should go, update the book list, and figure out what else I may want or need.  It is hard to believe that Sunday is December already, honestly.

Funny; I have not done half of the stuff I wanted to do today, and while I did a lot -- the paper pile is much smaller, for instance -- the sleeping in bit and the late lunch did disturb my work equilibrium.  I need to be much more disciplined the rest of the weekend, obviously!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving today and there was plenty of feasting; I started at my aunt and uncle's, and they got food from someplace in Strongsville; quite good.  It seems a lot of people did that this year; everyone seemed to be getting food.  Funny; we talk about the economy and all, but a lot of people just don't want to deal with cooking, and given the time and convenience factor, I rather get that.  I made cranberries this morning, and I almost screwed it up.  I had three bags of berries, so I figured I could triple the recipe, and... not quite.  I really do not have a medium-sized pot for this, so everything was shoved into one, and I didn't use all of the sugar recommended (I am a diabetic, you know).  But while I was making them, I was like "If this doesn't work, I am the biggest idiot ever."  Thankfully, it tasted pretty good; I should buy some and freeze them.

Anyways, then it was off to Friendsgiving and godchildren -- three in all, with some assorted nibbling and pie.  Quite good across the board, and the kids loved the presence (and presents) of crazy Uncle Mattie.  The weather was better than I expected -- cold, a bit of rain, some wind, but so far we are avoiding the hot mess of the snow belt.  At a couple of places it was noted that global warming must be exceptionally severe to have all this snow so early; thankfully, I was among fellow travelers, if you will, so we all had a good chuckle, and that was all.

Meet the Italian 'Fruit Detective' Who Investigates Centuries-Old Paintings for Clues About Produce That Has Disappeared From the Kitchen Table | Smithsonian
Interesting and fascinating!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Two in a row

I fell asleep blogging last night, so let's discuss the most important issue:  the Duke loss.  On the one hand, I think Kansas is the better team, so this was expected, but on the other hand...especially when Dickinson was ejected, you HAVE to win these games.  Yet again, a freshman -- not Flagg -- committed a crucial (and avoidable) turnover and the game was lost.  This has to be on the coach, as he has to do better than that; how about a non-freshperson taking a jump shot?  Oi.

Short week -- but busy -- which is good.  I realize, of course, that there is less time than I expect, but I am hoping that be being off as much as I can, I can do some things, like read some books and watch some of the movies and such that I have been saving for.  I watched one already today -- "The Right to Read," which discusses how reading scores are abysmal and how the adoption of phonics (though they do not use the term) seems to help...but not everyone is using it.  I don't know; it just seemed odd that the non-phonics theory ever told hold, because it seems...dumb?  When we wonder why people are pulling their kids out of public schools, I think it is stuff like this that is part of the problem.

I went to the rectory on my lunch break to get Masses for the family (parents, both grandparents) and while I got the Masses... no padres were around, so no pyx was consecrated.  The new one arrived -- it is smaller than the old one (I thought it was the same size) -- and I was told there would be a priest there, but... alas.  I hit the food pantry too, to drop off a check at the church and to see if anything had arrived.  Rather, they were having a cleaning party (we are closed so why not) and unloading sheets for next month.  I guess this is fine, as we need to clean, but... in some ways organizing clothing or something might have been more useful.  Next week's delivery will be massive, all I can say...

The GOP Courts an Unlikely Voting Bloc: the Amish - WSJ
This is...hilarious?  I mean, I guess the Amish would be a natural voting bloc for the GOP, but if no one asked them -- until now -- why would they?  Honestly, given how close PA is, whoever thought this one up deserves a medal; every vote does count, and if someone can figure out how to get X number of GOP voters to the polls...long may this continue!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Comeback

 Four days without a post, so...let's recap! 

Saturday was OC duty and it was a fricking zoo.  Mind you, we expected it, but...  the count was 173, 608 for the month, which is a record, and, as I liked to say, evidence of my superior generosity.  Anyways, for all of the complaining that I do not order enough... everyone thought I did, as we gave away everything in terms of produce (the large crowd helped) and most of the canned goods.  The people were...well, not very good.  It is an end of the month thing, and this time of year you get everyone, but... we had winter coats, but only 50, so the rule was clients could have only one.  Now, I get that this is not good, but we had 50, and as the other comanager noted, everyone is going to say they have 9 kids if we didn't.  Of course, several clients tried to take more, a few did, so of course I was like no canned goods, no meat, produce only -- and we moved the coats inside and people had to ask for them.  I realize they are Hope and Changers, but I think we were over them last Saturday.  

Anyways, I decided to treat myself after, one by using my Bob Evans gift card -- yes, I know it is like Cracker Barrel in that it is re-heated -- for lunch.  It was good -- not $17 good (excluding tip) but it was free (sort of) and it was nice to just sit there.  I also decided to hit the KSU-CSU game at the Convo -- two decent mid-majors, what's not to like?  CSU lost -- KSU really outplayed them in many ways -- but it was fun; I like watching college basketball, and there are worse ways to spend an evening than supporting the locals.

Sunday was my triumphant return to Mass -- the other EM was very concerned about my health, but a couple of people said they were glad I was there to bring them Holy Communion, so that is a good thing.  I had a nice workout at the gym, and then it was off to Edgewater to deliver Communion to my Polish friend -- she has COVID, but I know she wanted the sacrament, so I left her one in my spare pyx, as well as one of those turkey cakes...I would have posted then, but that afternoon, while reading a CNBC article, of all things, my computer exploded with virus of course I had to shut down.  I took it to Geek Squad yesterday, and got it back today -- nothing -- but it was quite annoying.  Also annoying:  my phone charger broke (the metal part just bent) and my CGM (newly inserted) was a dud, so I had to call for a new one.  Sigh.

How Undersea Cables Connect the Global Internet

Friday, November 22, 2024

Friday Night Lights

Today was... unpleasant, weather-wise.  I mean, one woke up to snow -- didn't stick, but still -- and then it was rainy and windy and cold all day.  Even now, one hears the wind rattling around.  For reasons, I didn't leave the house, and I should go to bed early, but Duke is at Arizona, and... well, I will try.  We do have a busy day tomorrow, and I need the rest, for I have been sleepless as of late.  Sigh.  Plenty of work to do --not that I have been unproductive -- and I have a full weekend, of sorts.  Food pantry tomorrow, I want to run some errands, and I should do something fun tomorrow night, as... well, let's just say I deserve a break of sorts.  Of course, I have plenty of actual real shit to do, so... maybe I should not.

The handymen who installed my garage door installed a new kitchen light today.  Not that expensive (my boss mocked me for not being able to change a fixture) I felt and more's done.  It looks quite good -- very bright -- and it is a new LED one, as it was so old that they do not sell fluorescent ones anymore.  This was fine, I guess; I mean, it is bright and works every time.  There is a line around it where they ripped out the ceiling drywall, but... I think I will just have them fix and paint the entire ceiling.  Especially because the bathroom will not be started til the end of December.  This is NOT good, and I am slightly miffed.  I mean, they are busy, but... this is a bit much.  On the other hand, I can save more cash and maybe another interest rate cut; being able to 1) make another payment without using the HELOC and 2) get lower interest rates on any payments I have to make is the only consolation.  Sigh.  

The Cabinet is rounding out, and while I do not agree with all of the picks, I mostly like them.  And, let's face it, some of these people will not make it through the confirmation process; being Gaetzed may be a badge of honor around there, with all due respect.  I think the semi-conventional wisdom -- that these people are disruptive, but that is what the Trump voters want -- is 100%.  Honestly, I don't think that is a bad thing, and I only hope we can achieve half of what has been promised.

I guess I did something fun today, as I watched this:
Mons (film) - Wikipedia
I think we all know I love silent films, and I had never heard of this.  I liked it--it was of course staged and contrived, but it did show the greatest hits of the battle, if you will, and even had a cameo from Horace Smith-Dorrien, the British commander at Mons (but no angel).  Again, one of the things I find fascinating is that while we think the stuff is...not quite real, people back then (I suspect) did not find it so, and were fascinated by what they saw.  It was not the actual footage of the Battle of the Somme, but for most I bet it worked.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Le Tits Now

The Browns won, surprisingly.  More surprising to me is the fact that anyone was at the game, considering the weather.  I know I am not a winter or football guy, but you could not pay me to attend that game.  I stayed in -- busy at work, duty past six, and then I did the yeoman's duty of selecting my health care package for 2025and watching part two of the Leonardo series.  Very interesting, but again, I wonder what we lost by him running around the countryside and writing backwards and not just painting.  Funny; I have a bunch of things to watch on the Tivo, a pile of movies and such to go through, and a pile of links to get through.  All it takes, of course, is time, and I tend not to have it, to say nothing of the whole book list. Sigh.  I also have a small pile of food pantry and SVDP District stuff to do, too.  Sigh and sigh.

I wonder how much snow we will get; supposedly it will melt off tomorrow, but then there will be rain, and a cold one, at that.  Yuck.  I am already dreading OC duty, not the idea of it, but the weather -- if it is cold and rainy (and I am often at the front) it will not be fun.  Heck, we have clothes out the wazoo that need to go, and the blankets have to be handed out, as there are plans for coats/hats/gloves in December, and we really do not have the space for them.  I was too busy today and forgot to ask about the produce order, so...we will be surprised Saturday.  

Gaetz went quickly and quietly; funny, this AM I was talking with a coworker and we were identifying no votes, and we got three of the names floated around.  I think Bondi is a solid choice -- has experience, is conservative, has no baggage -- which leads one to wonder why she wasn't selected in the first place?  I mean, the sniping would have been reserved to her role as Trump's council, and not the crapstorm of Gaetz.  I think he goes back to Congress, lest he get his dirty laundry exposed, but if not, there is always Newsmax.  

I have eggs that are past date but not smelly so I decided to scramble a couple with my baked potato for dinner.  I don't want to brag, but while I usually muck them up, I think they were perfect today -- a smattering of salt and pepper, some milk, and some olive oil (didn't want to break up frozen butter).  I had them just right today, so much so that I am going to try again tomorrow.  Speaking of shit to do -- the restaurant list isn't getting any smaller, and I do have a pile of restaurant gift cards on my desk...

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


This not posting thing is getting a little extreme... Monday night we had an OC Board meeting, which was fine -- bit long, but we discussed many things, including the December giveaways (blankets, sheets, hats and gloves) and a potential giveaway for January 2025 with toys.  I have created a monster, I think, but I will make an ironclad rules sheet, and see where it goes.  Anyways, I came home and crashed.  Tuesday I had a haircut, dinner with a friend... and came home and crashed.  Tonight, of course, I wanted to get to bed early, and here we are.  Oi.  

At least I was able to catch up on some TV -- the archived J! episodes, and the first installment of the PBS special on DaVinci.  Interesting.  Good to look at nice art of course, but... let's just say that I feel we missed out with all his unfinished works...  

In other news, I have a pile of OC stuff to do, insurance plans to decide upon, and so many other things.  At least I finished another book -- Hitler's Furies, about female Nazis and their (largely unpunished) roles in the Holocaust.  Dare I say that the reason they did it was because they thought they could get away with it?

Is New York Turning Red? Inside Trump’s Rising Popularity
Interesting.  I wonder if this will hold, but the fact is that a lot of people seem to have missed this...

Democrat Marcy Kaptur holds hotly contested Ohio battleground district - POLITICO
You know, much like the Senate rates we didn't invest in... the GOP seemed most uninterested in getting rid of her, and it showed.  This is a problem for a bunch of reasons, given that...well, the GOP is going to have a very tight margin, no matter what, and in retrospect... well, this could have been a seat we could have had, and we will be needing every one.

How Joe Biden’s Gamble on Inflation Backfired - WSJ
I realize we are dealing with Democrats here, but...what, 600 people or so work at the White House, and no one thought this might happen?  Or, more appropriately, that they all figured this would be ok?  That inflation might be a problem never crossed their minds?  I realize we are all susceptible to groupthink, but...this is a bit ridiculous, and they deserve all the egg they can get.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Democrat Sunday

I have had quite the time... last night I was moving some kitchen stuff and -- I was being lazy in not checking -- I didn't realize it wasn't stable, and a pile of trays landed on my right foot.  It stung a little but I thought it was fine (it was about 11 PM when I did this, don't ask) but about 2:30 I woke up in immense pain... I prevaricated a bit and decided that with all of this pain, it had to be broken, so I drove to the ER.  Long story short:  it is not broken (they think) but a glorified bone bruise.  (If it still hurts in 4 days, come back.)  Not much they can do -- I am wearing the special shoe to keep the foot stable, suggested Motrin, and RICE.  I will admit, while things didn't exactly move rapidly, all were kind and helpful (no one was there when I arrived) and I guess it was better I went.

Anyways, my sister was planning on doing AM shopping, so I texted her (at 7 AM) about my escapade.  She bought the Motrin, cautioned me to rest, and left.  I popped a Motrin, and -- am I not making this up -- I passed out in the chair (yes, the foot was elevated) til 1 PM.  I had been up for 20-some hours so I think I needed it.  But I missed Mass -- first time in a long time -- and that is not good.  Hence the Democrat Sunday.  I nodded off a couple of more times this afternoon, though from 4 on I have been alert and alive.  I had planned on some laundry, some bathroom cleaning, and other chores, but instead all I have done was sit here, do some contract work, and catch up on the bookmarks.  I have elevated the foot quite a bit and did get it iced, and there is less pain.  We will see how tomorrow goes, of course... but mainly I feel like an idiot for doing this in the first place.  Alas.

OC duty Saturday -- steady busy again (144) but again, the number of pain in the rear clients was counted on one hand.  We got rid of all of the produce and bread, plenty of clothes, and did some cleaning.  Phew.  Next week is our last week (off for Turkey Day) so I will reduce the produce order.  If we have another crowd like last week this week, it will be a record... oi.

An idea whose time has come - by Tom Knighton
I will believe this when I see it, but this is exactly correct, and let's hope the new DOGE people start here.

Clashes, confusion and secrecy consume the Harris campaign's finances
I get a kick out of this, as they spent a billion dollars to get beaten.  I realize there is Democrat financial logic, to be sure, but more to the point... I don't ever want to hear any libtard telling me we can't afford to cut some program and haircut some government program.  Every GOPer should be calling them out on this until they (the Dems) hang themselves to avoid it.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Making Up For Lost Time

 Two days without a post...very old-school in neglect.  Wednesday I was just tired (imagine that) and went to bed somewhat early, while yesterday I just crashed.  Yesterday was a good day, in some ways.  After work I went out to Gates Mills where they are putting together an SVDP Conference at St. Francis of Assisi.  I think it will happen -- people seem enthused and have the spirit -- and this is good.  I drove by the old office -- sort of sad, sort of happy -- and then went to the gym out there, which was busy not terribly so, so I got a good workout in and did some thinking.  Namely, I am not the rah-rah recruitment guy, but I am better at -- once stuff happens -- in running, organizing, smoothing over, keeping tabs on things.  Both traits are useful, but the former I do not have, while the latter is good for my nerdy, detail-oriented approach.  Anyways, I came home, watched the archived J! episodes, did some paperwork, and eventually petered out.  I am feeling it today -- bit tired, bit cold -- so ideally I will be early to bed.

The Cabinet choices...oh, how could I not comment on that.  The Noem jokes make themselves, and...well, I never thought I would see the day a GOPer would want a Kennedy to do anything save for driving off a bridge with as many relatives as possible.  Funny; while I think he is nuts, he does have a point; we are unhealthy -- 3/4 are overweight or obese -- and if he can fix that, it would be a success.  Now, aside from food taxes or the bully pulpit, I am not sure how he can do it, but...

Then, of course, there is Matt Gaetz.  Funny; even before I saw a few articles about this, I figured it was a ploy to completely sideline him.  Basically, he resigns, the Senate (only 53 GOPers, and some are leery) says no, and then the report about his "extracurricular activities" comes out (I think it gets leaked no matter what), and it is so reprehensible that not even Newsmax will hire him.  I don't think the Donald thinks that way, but I am sure there are plenty of GOPers who do, and the fact of the matter is that this move is somewhat...provocative.  Then, of course, one sees this:
Why Matt Gaetz Might Actually Become Attorney General - POLITICO
Which does not exactly fill me with joy.

On the other hand... this does bring a smile to my face:
DOJ staffers in full-blown freakout over Gaetz pick for attorney general - POLITICO

Incoming Trump admin is eyeing new immigrant detention centers near major U.S. cities
This could be me, but putting migrants in the blue and sanctuary cities was a genius move by Governor Abbott, and if Trump decides to double down on it... so much the better.

I finished book 41 a couple of days ago:  Influenza, which was somewhat ironic, as it was written to discuss the flu on the 100th anniversary of the flu pandemic... and before COVID.  So, there are some things that are...unfortunately ironic.  On the other hand, there are plenty of things that were spot on -- not being prepared for a pandemic, not sure how to treat a viral infection (which really doesn't react well to modern medicine), and that we are not doing enough science to fix these things.  Of course, the Trump Administration is going to fix that.

 Scott Jennings Gives Masterclass In Shutting Down Lib Outrage Over Trump's Defense Sec. Pick – PJ Media
This is awesome, and unless he doesn't want it, Jennings has to be in this administration; sparring with the press every week would be awesome TV, and browbeating them...well, they deserve it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Losses and Gains

 Well, that was a disaster.  Ok, a Duke loss is hardly a national crisis, and it will probably not have any effect on March Madness, save for a seed line, but...for a game that Duke was leading for most of, and outplayed UK for much of... well, it was a bit much.  Also a bit much Cooper Flagg at the end -- two costly TOs and a craptastic defensive play to seal the L.  For all of the was deservedly humbling.  And, some of this is on the coach; there are other talented players on the roster, and if everyone thinx that Flagg is the of them might be open.  Alas.  In some ways I wished teams like Duke played more of these big matchups, as you can see what a player is made of (or not) and you learn more from doubling up the Little Sisters of the Poor.

In other news, today was our District Meeting, and it was... well, quite successful, and I do not say so.  I have to admit, it is a lot of work (ok, not that much), getting food, setting an agenda, trying to get people to come (or RSVP), finding a host... but half of the Conferences were there, as was our new Executive Director.  It was good... we discussed two of the main being that the parishes in my area are older/mostly poorer/have fewer Catholics and thus need help -- twinning, other parishes, etc.  Two, if we want to add Conferences -- both organically and into the fold -- we have to offer something tangible; like client management software, help from Downtown, etc.  To be sure, we have said this many times, but new leadership has not (until today) and I think they are inclined to agree.  To be sure, that was today, and tomorrow may be different.  But if we want to grow, we cannot do the same stuff...

How Barron Trump Connected His Father to the Manosphere - WSJ
Interesting, and I think you can say it paid off.  To be sure, the bro types can certainly be said to lean Trump, but he had to get them to the polls, and I think you can say he did...

Democrats face a reckoning and a long rebuilding. There is no quick fix.
I guess I am a little skeptical, and modern history is the guide.  The GOP retook the House in 2010 -- fueled by Obamacare, and while they lost in 2012, they won the White House in 2016...and the Dems took the House in 2018.  One can argue that this election was an anti-D one than a pro-R one, and I can see us losing in 2026 if we do not deliver.

That said, it is impressive... the speed and depth of the Trump pics.  Rubio at State?  Awesome.  Holman?  Doubly so.  Noem is an interesting choice, but if she attacks our enemies like someone else's pets...the Hesgeth pick is the most surprising, given that he would seem to have not nearly enough experience... not that I do not like Fox News (far from it) but it seems there are other and better candidates out there.  Dare I say that I think some on the right are correct that raiding the House might not be the best bet?  If we do win -- and I think so -- the margin will be close, and I am not sure it is worth risking it for some offices...

Sunday, November 10, 2024


As always, a busy weekend.  Food pantry duty Saturday.  It was a little odd; we only got 1/2 of the produce I ordered -- which really pissed me off -- but we did get the chicken I ordered, and had blankets, so we muddled through.  At least we completely cleaned the place out -- all of the bread and produce we had, the adult diapers, most of the socks and care items, etc.  In turn we were able to again spray down and clean, which was good.  The order for produce tomorrow will be extensive, and if we get dicked again, a snide email will be sent out...  Operationally, it was fine.  The client count was 144 (I got crap for being short of my "goal" of 150) and we had plenty of volunteers.  It was a bit nippy, but the clients were mostly good (one person left some garbage about; she has mental issues, but my tolerance for this shit is below zero, so...) and it went quite smoothly.  Bunch of people came late, and we sent them away, as it was past 12, and all we had for them was canned goods.  We need to be better at leaving AT 12, and not dawdling... 

Then home for a bit where I put down some more concrete; I didn't flatten it, but I think the divot is a bit lower.  I should have my sister or someone with a less rugged vehicle drive over it and report back.  I think I will buy some more concrete this week and put down another layer.  Rah.  Then it was off to a fundraiser dinner, which was mostly fine, save for the fact that it was an hour late, which...well, you know I feel about being on time.

Today was the big Raise the Roof fundraiser at church -- we need a new one, and had a luncheon for people willing to buy tickets.  I, of course, was in the kitchen, helping with meal (kielbasa sandwich, pierogi, salad, dessert); I guess it is my curse to be stuck there, prepping, cooking, food running, and then cleanup.  It was good -- we had about 135 people, so little food left, and I think we had plenty of money, also nice.  That said, when I got home, I was tired.  I showered, had dinner, drank some coffee, and I am better, but still off to bed soon.  At least I was able to get through stuff -- finally -- and I think that helped too.  But I still did much less than I had planned to do tonight.

Republicans' Recurring Family Policy Fight - American Compass
Interesting, and I hope we can do half of the stuff we intend to do in the next legislative section!

A Brief History of the Most Famous Swear Word in the World ‹ Literary Hub
Hilarious and interesting!  Side note -- my foul tongue was discussed during dinner today, much to my bemusement.  They are correct; a Matt swear jar would be an excellent fundraiser and certainly go a long way in paying for the roof...

How Kamala Harris plowed through $1 billion - Washington Examiner
I don't think this has been stressed enough; not that they lost, but all of the stuff you could have done with the billion they pissed away to get shellacked.  I think every GOPer should -- til Doomsday, if need be -- remind everyone about they could have used this money on -- poverty, hunger, etc. -- and how we are doing a better ob.  Not saying it will work, but it would be amusing.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Progress of a Sort

Surprisingly busy day (and week) of work, and we ended discussing the election and how the UM consumer confidence index came out (before the election it was taken) and it was surprisingly positive.  I said that each side was confident of victory, so the next one... more seriously, I am not sure that is what we should be watching, nor the stock market.  If anything, retail sales -- especially of big-ticket items -- might be a better indicator.  If people are spending, and more, that tells me more than anything.  The Fed cut rates by a quarter, and I think there will be a few more.  I did get a kick out of the whole asking Powell if Trump can fire him, which he answered "No."  And, of course, it is exactly that.  I realize we are dealing with reporters here, but even for them, it was... none too bright.  

Due to an unanticipated need to return a library book, I rushed through one (The Restless Kings, about the English kings of the Angevin empire) today, bringing me to 40 for the year.  This is good -- I need to read more -- but I was struck by two things.  One, many of the things they created still last today; a series of regional courts, the exchequer/treasurer position, the need to delegate and regionalize the King's authority; hell, the Magna Carta was created to explain the limits of power by each side.  Two... these guys really couldn't help themselves in going to war, not only with France, but with each other.  One wonders if the Holy Land could have been retaken, or if the English kings could have taken France, if they had concentrated on just the one goal.

Bought four more bags of quikrete today -- Lowe's is a couple of bucks cheaper than Home Depot, which I found odd -- and it was most amusing.  Not the purchase, but I am wearing some old and slightly beat up gym pants.  I put my change in the back pocket, and I had immense difficulty getting the zipper open.  Next, on the way to the truck, I trapped my keys in the torn zipper, and had to literally run my key ring down the zipper to untrap it.  At that point I decided that 1) I should probably throw these things away; 2) I have other pairs, so maybe this is not a big deal, and 3) I can afford to buy a replacement pair, or two, even if I do not get any for Xmas (I always ask for track pants with zippers), so...I guess some days I am a bit ridiculous.

Pelosi says Biden should have dropped out earlier so there could be a primary: 'It would have been different' | Fox News
Is it me, or is this too cute by half?  It's somewhat disingenuous across the board, and while I do not mind it, I guess I am a bit surprised that no one is calling her BS on this.  But not that surprised!

Thursday, November 07, 2024


I still do not need the blue pills, rhetorically speaking; I did drink more coffee today, but there is still quite a bit of euphoria, thank God.  Again, I think this vote was an anti Biden/Harris/economy vote than a pro-Trump one, but on the other hand, if we can deliver on what we promised -- and with us, of course, you can never underestimate the stupid (not in the Dems way, but the foot-shooting way) -- I can see this new Trump coalition sticking around post-Trump.  Indeed, one positive about securing the bro vote -- and I think we did it this time -- is that you can create a lifetime voter.  If we can move into Latino and Black men...well, I like a diverse party!  More seriously, what I think a lot of the people on the left missed is that these people know what Trump meant when he talked about "black jobs;" namely, a lot of working class jobs are in danger of being taken over by illegal immigrants who work for low wages.  Trump's plan to send these people away/prevent more from coming means they can live (or try to) middle-class lives, and while it is hateful to some, it is...economically rational to others.

How Donald Trump gained with Black and Latino men - POLITICO
Hey, I just said this!  :)

Team Biden vs. Team Harris: Who Lost 2024? - POLITICO
Who doesn't love a circular firing squad?  More seriously though, we did this in 2012, unveiled a plan to win over minorities and such...and ran Trump, who won.  Now he wins again...winning over minorities.  I guess I would that it is also the candidate and the message which matters, and people tend to forget these things.  Timing, too; but at the end of the day, you need a candidate who can articulate a message.  Old Biden could, sort of; Trump did, twice.  Obama did.  Harris?  Not so much.  Indeed, I think the genius of Trump and Vance going on Rogan for three hours is that they articulated that they were....normal?  Could speak about a lot of things?  Can you see Harris doing that?  Of course not.  Not saying it is why she lost, but... you wonder what would have happened if she went on.

In other news, I scheduled a District meeting for SVDP, and replies are coming in.  I need to come up with an agenda and some sort of speaking plan (I have one, don't get me wrong), and I also want our teams to meet the new leadership and say what is on their minds.  Also have to bring food!  This is what the job entails, though; hell, people even say nice things about me.

Last week or so (it was so long ago I don't remember :P) I won tickets to see a show with the lead singer off the Revivalists in February.  This is cool (assuming I live that long), but... I had no idea who they were.  Thus, today I listened to the entire discography, and... they are pretty good.  Interesting vibe; not quite folk, but not pop, either.  Slightly different, which I like.  I guess my fondness for free crap has some benefits...

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Mattie Does Not Need the Blue Pills

Well, that was... unexpected.  And pleasantly so!  For all of the worry, the stress, the fear... well, it wasn't that close.  To be sure, no one felt it would be such a margin of victory, or even a victory, even with the economic indicators being what they are.  But, as the night went on, fear and worry was replaced by anticipation -- could they call tonight?  Would they?  Indeed they did; I went to bed at 3 -- a second Victory Christian gin and tonic in me -- and when I woke up at 7, I didn't feel tired, and indeed, I felt good all morning...

I hate to rain on the parade, but I cannot help but think that this is more an anti-Biden/Harris vote than a pro-Trump vote.  OK, lots of people voted for Trump because they liked him, but I suspect many people voted for him in spite of the man; people are just fed up with the high prices and everything, and that was that.  Not that I am complaining, but voters are fickle, and if we do not deliver...

In the meantime, Sherrod Brown is gone, which was the first Victory Christian gin and tonic.  I never thought I would see the day, but it was glorious, though... Trump won Ohio by +13, and Bernie won by +4, so...I am glad he won, but that is somewhat troubling to me, that despite everything, barely half of Ohioans want to be rid of wifebeater populist with five homes and lives in a gated community.

You know... we almost pulled out Senate wins in WI and MI.  For all we spent on Montana and Ohio, maybe, just maybe, some of the dough we spent on those races could have been re-directed elsewhere.  To be sure, no one expected the red wave (after the blue wave of 2022), and everyone felt that even PA was a reach.  But... to have had 54 seats would have been awesome, especially in the next cycle, when more blue states are at play.  I guess I will just have to console myself with liberal tears.  Really.  No one ever offered me anything when they doubled my health care, sent my grocery bills through the roof, killed children in my name and with my tax dollars...GOPers really should be going around and just mocking these people into seppuku just for giggles n' shits.

Trump Humiliated His Foes and Proved He's A Force of History - POLITICO
Dare I say the man is...awesome?  Who doesn't want to do this?

Revenge of the Silent Male Voter
Isn't this fair?  Men have suffered under Biden, and we are constantly blamed for everything, even when it is the fault of idiot liberals.  Why should we not band together -- like the bros we are! -- and come together for the USA, the Donald, and...well, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?  I wonder if this can be kept up, but if it can would be wonderful.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Election Eve

Big fun today, as I headed off after work to the Bernie Moreno rally in Brecksville.  It was...interesting?  Not exactly a large crowd, and while yes, we are Republicans and have jobs and such, I would have expected a bigger bunch.  I was also one of the youngest people there, which is gratifying for the ego, but...not exactly boding well for the future.  Anyways, it was a double event, with Tommy Tuberville -- Roll Tide -- leading off.  Neither Bernie nor Tommy are exactly dynamic speakers; I remember the Cruz/Vance rally I went to two years ago, and they both really knocked the house down.  Tommy has the advantage of being a coach, and sort of knew how to move a crowd, but Bernie is more the staid type.  I was vastly amused by the fact that he introduced his large and extended family, but not his son-in-law... that said, it wasn't a bad speech - he hit the points he needed to make, stressed the need to vote, mentioned that the turnout was good in the early vote, etc.  I even got a picture with him, and he seemed more...natural there, in the photo line, than during the speech.  Let's hope he wins!

One of my coworkers mentioned that the early voting numbers are definitely up for the GOP this year, and he was of the opinion that this is a big shift to the GOP.  I don't know; I think it is more likely that GOP voters are just voting earlier this year.  Not saying there might be more GOP voters out there, but I think this is more of a redistribution of the vote.  To be sure, if the issue is that people are less likely to vote on Election Day, so you get those votes "banked," I see it, but... you will still need Election Day turnout to win.

What abolishing Education Department could mean for higher ed
Oh, I don't know; one, it would be a signal that we are cutting government, getting rid of waste, etc.  Two, the Treasury Department could easily handle loan payments, I would think.  Three... if the whole point of being a Republican is to cut government and leave issues to the states, isn't this one way to do it?

Why do people still back Trump, after everything? 5 things to understand about MAGA supporters’ thinking
I think the whole "still" thing is a bit of a tell, given that -- as the author notes -- the economy and immigration are huge problems for the Dems right now.  I would argue that for many -- sadly not most -- voters these are the largest issues, and Trump-- for better or worse -- has an advantage.

Why the Next President Should Pay Heed to the Republic of Z - POLITICO

‘I Think We’re in Trouble’: Is There a Future for MAGA After Trump? - POLITICO
Well, as the Donald is 78, and given his dietary habits...the point I am making is that we might have to face this issue sooner rather than later.  Now, I think Vance -- both as the nominee and through his talking points -- is the main guy to take over, but there is also something to be said for DeSantis.  The other thing of course is that the message will change slightly with the new messenger.  I would prefer we deal with this from a position of strength, if you will, over the next four years, instead of weakness...

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Filling in

Busy but good day yesterday; food pantry duty in the AM and it was busy -- 152 clients -- bur quite smooth.  I guess it was steady busy -- we seldom were without clients -- but not necessarily overwhelming.  Even better, no major issues with clients, as even our larger pains in the dupa seemed to stay home.  Everything went, so I made sure I ordered the farm for next week and the week thereafter.   I still expect this to continue, but we should be ok with this, provided we have good volunteers.  Then we had a fundraiser for another event.  I got home late yesterday but even with the time change I have been dragging...oi.  

Another thing I did today was to buy a couple of bags of quikrete and decide to start filling in the divot in the driveway.  Funny; I put about 100 pounds into it, and while I tried to even everything out... let's just say that when I looked at it from another angle, I will need about 20 bags or so to fill it in in totality.  Oi.  But there is no reason why tomorrow or so I cannot buy several bags and fill the hole in.  I mean, winter is coming (yes, I should have filled it in before) and the plow guy did want it smoother there, so there I am. 

Perplexed and Bewildered Democrats Wonder Why Harris's Economic Message Isn't Resonating With Voters – PJ Media
Honestly, I don't see how anyone could vote for her on the basis of economics; abortion I can see, but the other reasons all favor Trump. Now, in the best of all possible worlds, Kamala would get 9 votes, but...  we will see what happens Tuesday, and, dare I say, Election Day has sort of creeped up on me.  I know the commercials are annoying, but overall, it is cool, as so many people across the globe cannot vote at all...

Friday, November 01, 2024

Personal Regression

Not much sleep last night, as a friend came over to have me sort through their life.  I am perpetually fascinated by this, given that I am not the nicest person, nor the most diplomatic, but I guess there are some times and some people who need that...unvarnished commentary, if you will, on their lives.  Not that my life is any better; I just hide it.  Anyways, after he was dispatched, I couldn't fall back to bed, which was a problem, as today is a Holy Day of Obligation, and of course I made it to early Mass.  I sort of enjoy it -- not many people, church sort of sepulchral -- and it does generate some extra spirituality, in so far as I am that. Not that I was tired -- though I am feeling it now -- but I have been a little cold and, oddly, my stomach has been... active; mind you, it has been for a couple of days, but... today was special.  Also, work was sort of stressful -- trying to get some formatting just right on some docs, it wasn't working, and I think we all know how I feel about that sort of thing.  Sigh.  Monday is another day, but I do not like doing something as told and it not working out.  Between that, the lack of sleep, the rumbly tummy... I just stayed here and went through the emails and links and did some damage to the next book (I am behind!).  Sigh.

Resurrecting Christopher Marlowe As a Queer Icon ‹ CrimeReads
Interesting article, sort of; I wrote a paper about him in 11th grade English -- who doesn't love a good murder mystery -- and I have been fascinated by his tale.

Dems' Closing Pitch to Young Men: Stop Being Fascist Oppressors and Vote Kamala – HotAir
This could be me, but isn't the reverse true (as a feminist, of course):  that men deserve better from the women in their lives?  Especially given the gender gap today?  Or, especially, economically?  Single women -- especially with children -- just do far worse than married women, and men can (despite the number of men not in the workforce) earn more than women, which exacerbates the problem.  I realize that women will vote for a candidate who will (try) to extract the wealth from others to reward her supporters, but it is still a poor choice for the long term...

Nebraska is in the national spotlight. An obscure education fight could tilt the election results. - POLITICO
Interesting, given what has transpired in Ohio.  I am genuinely curious as to how this will go; if the measure is repealed, would it spread here?