Lazy Friday
Black Friday and I did violate my policy of leaving the house to have lunch with Favorite Niece and hit the gym. Odd, not working; I slept in a bit, caught up on some paperwork, and then off to lunch. Our new tradition is Watami, the conveyor belt sushi place. It's pretty cool; as we agreed, one nice thing about is most places sell six or twelve pieces of sushi, whereas here they give you 3 or 4, so you can sample them and see if you like it or not. You can get real food there, and they have interesting things -- daily specials and such. It wasn't too crowded -- we expected more, and it was barely half full. Maybe people were full... anyways, the gym was full, and I weighed in at 187.8, so I am quite full as well. I would like to think that the heavy eating will be done by the weekend with the leftovers, then back to more normal fare.
I think I overdid the sugar in the cranberries, as eating more than a small amount sends the blood sugar out of whack. I should have known better, to be sure, but I was trying to match how Mom made it. Alas. On the other hand, I will be eating cranberries for a while.
I need to make a Christmas list. Normally I am on the warpath about this -- getting one out and getting them from the family -- but this year, and I am not sure why, I have not. I got the gift for the giving tree at church, which counts, I guess, but I should go, update the book list, and figure out what else I may want or need. It is hard to believe that Sunday is December already, honestly.
Funny; I have not done half of the stuff I wanted to do today, and while I did a lot -- the paper pile is much smaller, for instance -- the sleeping in bit and the late lunch did disturb my work equilibrium. I need to be much more disciplined the rest of the weekend, obviously!