Thursday, June 04, 2015


I am shocked, shocked by this... I think -- and this is what the libtards tend to forget  -- is that the poor tend to spend more than their fair share on things like this, which is exacerbated by the fact that 1) They shouldn't be doing this and 2) These things eat up a larger share of their already small disposable income...and I know yes, some people consider these things necessities, but they are not.  This is why I really do not mind GOP efforts to cut food stamps/regulate what people can and cannot use for food with them.

Speaking of, the May stats:
450 client visits totaling 206 seniors, 650 adults, 413 kids.

One unpleasant side effect of the Rubio/Jeb show in Florida is that it will magnify the importance of the South Carolina primary, which is a problem, given the outsized the role it plays and the fact that...let's face it, they are a little kooky out there.  I mean, I love the bloodsport nature of things out there, but it isn't exactly good for the GOP.  Florida, in contrast, I think, is state that a person who does well in the GOP primary could do well in the general election. I also think that it would be much wiser for a GOPer to campaign in that primary...if you go there and lose, you were expected to do so; but if you go in there and come in second -- or even first -- it would be a big deal...


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