Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Blow up

So, who's imploding faster, the Tribe or Donald Trump?  :P  I mean, the Tribe has a better shot of coming back...and I have an idea of what they are doing.  The Donald...oi.  More errors; it's an impressive shitshow, aided by the fact that this is a race the GOP could win.  Very saddening.


Thought this was interesting, but using Chicago as an example of a successful example of anything...yeah, surre.

In the meantime, I've added two more films to the list:  "King of Jazz," which I saw at the CIA, and "The Lost World."  "King of Jazz" was a musical revue from 1931, so you can see what I thought of that.  Also, I was in the distinct minority of heterosexual men in the audience.  "The Lost World" was a silent adaptation of the Doyle story; I liked it, and the animation -- early refinement of stop motion -- to create the dinosaurs (including fights) was pretty remarkable (given it was 1925).  I am up to 440, which makes me wonder if I can get to 500 by the end of the year.


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