Midday links
Working from home, and taking a late lunch break to blog...yes, excitement rules my life.
That Tuesday Tribe game was wild; hell, yesterday was wild. Mind you, I still think they are done, but....one likes to be pleasantly surprised once in a while.
I also watched -- through the wonders of Netflix -- "The Internet's Own Boy," the documentary about Aaron Swartz... one thing about that one was that, well, our own governmrnt drove him to suicide, which is why I am something of a libertarian. More amusingly of course was that... well, he was certainly a progressive, and most of the people around him were, but no one seemed to sense the incongruity of that... The thing was interesting, though I think they tended to stray off message to make unrelated points (such as the culture of mass incarceration) rather than the main one, which was that the DOJ persecuted a guy who didn't like our copyright system.
I get a kick out of these things, mainly because 1) I am shocked, shocked that progressives would do this and 2) Maybe they're right? I tend to sympathize with these people, as they are protecting their investment and, in all honesty, no one wants to live next to the Fighting Palins, be they white, black, or Martian.
I had never heard of Waldorf schools until this article, and I was....fascinated. I mean, there are idiots, and then there are these people, but, as I like to say, this is why Trump got elected...