Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Catching Up

 Busy weekend, sort of...mainly caught up on work, which was not exactly fun, but we managed. That has been busy lately, so much so that some stuff, lke basement reorganizing, has been put on hold til after Easter, for better or worse.  Sunday night I crashed hard, so much so that I fell asleep on the living room floor, and didn't wake until 5.  Honestly, I got the rest, but I was sore most of Monday.  I did watch the UCONN-Baylor game, which was, for women's hoops, quite the classic.  It was a no-call at the end, but as they had been letting them play all night.. I don't see how they call one there, too.

Had a Zoom meeting today with some of the managers from the other pantries; in most cases, they, too, are seeing people declines, and pretty substantial ones.  Now, this is not a bad thing -- we have plenty of stuff to give away and the resources to continue at this pace for a while -- but it is somewhat disconcerting that we are so... quiet.  The others on the call noted that there were stimulus checks flowing and other food pantries, so it's not like people are going hungry... 

You know, I wonder why Trump didn't put forth an infrastructure spending plan...not saying it would have went through, but the fact of the matter is that he could have gotten a GOP plan on board... again, yet another black mark against him and one, that, if we are serious about 2024, we have to remember.... certainly seems like Ron DeSantis is running, and I am pleased about that... I bet Pence is putting together a lie low campaign, which is not a bad idea, either...


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