Wednesday, May 24, 2023

DeFuture is Here

 Good news, as my dental ordeal is finally over.  Cap was finally completed today, and so far so good -- it feels normal, and it has not fallen off yet.  I did get yet another bill from them (we will see if the MSA covers this!), which was unpleasant... actually, I have had quite a bit of spending lately; car repair (needed), this, and the lawn mower person tomorrow.  Let's hope that it just needs a quick fix.  Yes, the mower is quite old, but... I would prefer not to face that decision now.  I have been paying down the HELOC, and I do have a 0% balance transfer off sitting here (which I will use once ALL of the bills are on the credit card), so that is not terrible, but it is a bit unsettling to see my "short-term" debt jump up.  I do want to get the bathroom done this year, hell or high water.

The great underestimation of DeSantis starts to unravel | Washington Examiner

I missed the DeSantis roll out on Twitter, and it appears so did everyone else!  Ha!  I mean, I guess it is good that people are interested, but bad that it was glitchy and Elon Musk's new toy is not so shiny as it once was.  The ad was quite good (the man is good at that!) and from the snippets I saw... good.  I think there IS a lane for a non-Trump candidate but it will be a bloodsport.  On the other hand... getting a W in either IA or NH, or both...then SC where it could be a five-candidate race...

My plan for a gym double today was ruined by low blood sugar at 5, so instead I worked late and then caught up on the Masters! games I missed from Monday (meeting), followed by the end of the affair.  I do like that it will be on next year, though I wonder what will happen if no candidates really present themselves; you could argue all the multi-game winners made this possible; no one will get too excited about a bunch of people with two weeks of wins.  OK, I will watch, but... at least I have done some progress on Mom's puzzle books.

I am fascinated by the latest round of boycotts and attacks on Pride gear; first Bud, then Miller, and now Target.  I have a sneaking suspicion that not that many GOPers shop at Target (for a bunch of reasons) and it may be limited, but maybe not.  I guess my big question is why now?  And what's next?  A boycott is fine but it would be nice if we could a GOP alternative so that people would have a long-term option...which would hurt the sales of the companies deemed to be "woke."  Much as the GOP should have put all of that money into a cultural media force, maybe now we need to consider a retail network...


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